-15% DISCOUNT on the entire website! -15% DISCOUNT! Voucher: CH2024

Legal warning

In compliance with art. 5 of Directive 2000/31 / EC, of the European Parliament and of the Council, you are informed:

The owner of this website is:
Business name: Caphunters, S.L.
CIF: B99537805
Address: Pablo Neruda Número 15, Planta 4º, Puerta A
Email: cs@caphunters.com
Commercial Registry: Sociedad de responsabilidad limitada española inscrita en el Registro Mercantil de Zaragoza, Tomo 4376, Folio 212, Hoja Z-64820, Inscripción 1º.

General conditions

A) Subject of the general conditions

The purpose of these General Conditions is to regulate the conditions of use and use of the website caphunters.com (hereinafter CAPHUNTERS), whose activity is that of the commercialization of fashion accessories.

The mere use of the website, attributes the condition of Users, who declares to know and accept without reservation or exception, all and each one of the General Conditions that are exposed in this document.

CAPHUNTERS reserves the right to unilaterally modify each and every one of the obligations set forth in these General Conditions, without prior notice. It also reserves the ability to restructure, modify or delete any information service or content included in this website without prior notice.

B) Rights and obligations of the user

The website is public and free and any user can access the information exposed. CAPHUNTERS reserves some of the services offered to Registered Users by completing the corresponding User registration form that is available to any user.

The Registered User undertakes to make a lawful use of the Accceso Keys, as well as not to make them available to third parties. And undertakes to communicate irrefutably to CAPHUNTERS as soon as possible, the loss or theft of the Access Codes, as well as any risk of access to them by third parties.

C) Sales conditions

The completion of an order on the website implies acceptance of these General Conditions.

The price that appears indicated at all times next to the product includes taxes and is always referred to orders placed by web. CAPHUNTERS reserves the right to modify said price without prior notice, as well as the elimination of the catalog of products, of any element or the introduction of new ones.

The handling and shipping costs will be paid by the customer and will be specified in the shopping cart and in the order.

The purchased products must be paid after placing the order through one of the selected means of payment that will be detailed in the purchase process, according to the payment conditions of each client.

The delivery time will depend on the products the destination of the shipment, and in any case begins to count since CAPHUNTERS receives the payment of the order. This delivery period will be shown approximately in the purchase process and may depend on the selected shipping method, which will also be exposed in the purchase process.

In international shipments (outside Spain), the receiving state of the shipment may require the payment of taxes and / or customs duties that are not included in the price of the order. Each client should be informed of what these conditions are.
The incoterm applied to our international shipments is CPT.
If the corresponding customs fee is not paid, at the customer's decision, the package will be considered abandoned and not returned, so the refund of the order amount will not be made.

In the event that an incorrect or incomplete delivery address has been provided by the customer, the shipping costs will not be reimbursed in the event that the package finally cannot be delivered.

In the event that the recipient does not receive the package, rejects it, or does not pick it up within the corresponding delivery point, shipping costs will not be refunded.

The customer may partially or totally cancel the order provided that the merchandise has not been sent.

CAPHUNTERS is not obliged to indemnify the user or third parties for the consequences of the use of the product, whether direct or indirect damages, accidents suffered by people, damage to property outside the product, loss of profit or loss of profit or damage arising from a deterioration.

CAPHUNTERS is not responsible for possible typographical errors or content in the characteristics of products that may occur occasionally, and like prices, these features are subject to change without notice.

Privacy Policy

In relation to compliance with the Data Protection Law, we inform you that the personal data provided by you in any of the forms included in this website (caphunters.com) are included in some computer files property and responsibility of CAPHUNTERS and will be treated by automated methods with the sole purpose of making possible the administrative management of our business relationships.

The user expressly authorizes CAPHUNTERS so that all data obtained on this website for the development of business relations between both parties can be provided to third parties for the best compliance of its services-carriers, installers, financial institutions, etc.- . In all cases, they will be strictly necessary for the specific activity that will be carried out. Likewise, the user authorizes CAPHUNTERS so that the information received is used to carry out informative campaigns and promotional actions of products or services that may be of interest to them.

At any time you can exercise the rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition granted by the current Law 15/1999 on Data Protection, simply by notifying us by mail or email:

Caphunters, S.L.
C/ Pablo Neruda 15
50018 Zaragoza

The computer file containing all these data is registered with the Agency for the Protection of Personal Data (APD), and we are committed to complying with all the specifications and requirements that the Agency requires under Organic Law 15/1999 of Personal data protection:

  1. Obtain the data in a legal manner.
  2. Request permission from the owners of the data, informing about the origin of the data we have available, the identity of the person responsible for its processing, the purpose of this service and the rights that assist it (information, access, rectification and cancellation).
  3. Warn at the time of entering the data that these are going to be stored and treated by automatic methods for the realization of the described services, with at least a link to this PRIVACY POLICY.
  4. That the data are adequate, relevant and not excessive for the purpose with which they were obtained.
  5. That the data is not used for different purposes than for those that have been collected, which are described in this PRIVACY POLICY.
  6. That the data be canceled when they cease to be necessary.
  7. Adopt the necessary technical and organizational measures to guarantee the security of these data, and avoid alteration, loss and unauthorized treatment.

In the event that for any reason your data will be transferred to a third company, you will be contractually bound to inform you as soon as possible of this fact, the purpose of the assignment of which your data have been assigned by us, as well as to continue guaranteeing your rights of access, modification and cancellation. In case you do not want your data to be transferred to a third company, let us know.

CAPHUNTERS reserves the right to modify its PRIVACY POLICY or the conditions of use of our services for reasons of adaptation to current legislation, or other reasons, for which the user of this website is recommended to periodically review this page, since the use of this site by the user will be understood as acceptance of the PRIVACY POLICY or conditions of use in force at that time.

Data Controller: Caphunters, S.L. is responsible for the processing of data and automated files of the entity with its NIF: B99537805 Postal address: Calle Maria de Luna 11, Nave 4, C.P. 50.018 (Zaragoza) Spain. Email: cs@caphunters.com

On behalf of the company, we process the information you provide us with in order to provide you with the requested service and to invoice it. The data provided will be kept for as long as the business relationship is maintained or for the years necessary to comply with legal obligations.
  • - Data will only be transferred to third parties, public bodies, courts and tribunals and in cases where there is a legal obligation.
  • - To files for financial solvency in cases of non-payment, and fraud prevention entities.
  • - To service providers that act as data processors, IT services and accounting and tax documentation advice.
You have the right to obtain confirmation as to whether CAPHUNTERS is processing your personal data, therefore you have the right to access your personal data, rectify inaccurate data or request its deletion when the data is no longer necessary. Once the contractual relationship has ended, we will keep your data blocked for the legal limitation periods, which are generally 10 years, due to the application of the regulations on money laundering and terrorist financing.

Cookies policy

Types of 'cookies' used

This website uses both temporary session 'cookies' and permanent 'cookies'. The session 'cookies' store data only while the user accesses the web and the permanent 'cookies' store the data in the terminal to be accessed and used in more than one session.

According to the purpose for which the data obtained through the 'cookies' are processed, the website can use:

'Cookies' techniques

Are those that allow the user to navigate through the web page or application and the use of different options or services that exist in it. For example, control traffic and data communication, identify the session, access restricted access web parts, remember the elements that make up an order, make the application for registration or participation in an event, use security elements during the browsing and storing contents for the dissemination of videos or sound.

Personalization 'cookies'

Are those that allow the user to access the service with some general characteristics predefined in their terminal or that the user defines himself. For example, the language, the type of browser through which you access the service, the selected content design, geolocation of the terminal and the regional configuration from where the service is accessed.

Advertising 'Cookies'

Are those that allow the effective management of advertising spaces that have been included in the web page or application from which the service is provided. They allow to adapt the content of the advertising so that it is relevant for the user and to avoid showing ads that the user has already seen.

'Cookies' statistical analysis

They are those that allow tracking and analysis of user behavior on websites. The information collected through this type of 'cookies' is used in the measurement of the activity of the websites, application or platform and for the elaboration of navigation profiles of the users of said sites, in order to introduce improvements in the service based on the usage data that users make.

'Cookies' from third parties

In some web pages you can install 'cookies' from third parties that allow you to manage and improve the services offered. As for example, statistical services of Google Analytics and Comscore.

In case of blocking the use of 'cookies' on your browser it is possible that some services or features of the website are not available.